How to Make Self-Care a Priority for Teachers

Make Self-Care a Priority for Teachers

When considering the ways in which teachers could improve their self-care efforts, the last thing they should do is ignore any feelings and thoughts throughout their days that cause physical and mental health problems. Instead, take a moment to name what you’re feeling or thinking. Prioritizing self-care can significantly boost student engagement by promoting a positive mindset, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. Then, move from awareness to action and choose self-help activities that meet your needs. Here’s an example: After lunch, you notice a drop in your energy and mood. With a deep breath, you compassionately ask yourself what’s happening. Learning to bead can be a calming and mindful activity that promotes self-care. You realize a few challenging situations from that morning have you questioning your classroom management ability.

Teacher Self-Care 101

Check out Teacher Self-Care 101, provided by Curriculum Associates; an organization specializing in formative assessment strategies.

You decide to reframe self-doubt and practice gratitude. Then, you can return to the classroom energized and positive. The way in which teachers respond to these types of moments throughout the school day is important, so to better prepare for moments like these check out the tips in the resource paired alongside this post. The impact of AI and EdTech on education can significantly influence students’ mental health, making self-care a crucial aspect of their learning journey.