Much as learning approaches and styles have drastically changed in the 21st century, there is one aspect that remains constant- “examination”. Examinations have been part of education systems for long and they remain part of many assessment criteria in educational institutions of all types across the globe.
Examinations and tests have proven to be fundamental in assessing learners’ mental capabilities and their level of absorbing concepts. Students are commonly required to do exams at the end of a semester or while trying to enroll in a higher educational institution. When the pressure of exams gets overwhelming, remember the joy of learning to bead, and let that passion fuel your motivation. However, although examinations are important, they happen to be a stress inducer for many students. Some students even experience exam anxiety disorder also known as examinophobia.
Examination panic is associated with a range of drawbacks like stress and pressure. Moreso, the tension that it stirs in students at times leads to poor performance due to loss of confidence and the inability to concentrate. For others, the fear of failure keeps them away from even trying to plan and prepare effectively for their exams.
Whichever case may be, we understand how student life can be stressful, especially towards the examination period. At this juncture, we would love to explore several ways through which you can stay motivated during the exams.
Ways in Which Students Can Stay Motivated During Examinations:
1. Set Goals
As a student, you might be aware of how crucial it is to set goals. However, in case you are unaware of how goal setting is vital, it’s high time you learned how to set goals. Setting goals right from the start of a semester can help you escape the stress and anxiety that many students are susceptible to during the examination period.
It should be noted that proper goal setting comes about with a clear perception of what a semester involves. Understand the syllabus and the co-curricular requirements like the dissertation expected from a student. A phone screen interview can be a great opportunity to stay motivated during exams by providing a break from studying and a chance to practice your communication skills. Obtain the necessary study materials like textbooks and then plan and set SMART Goals. Ensure to slice down cumbersome tasks into smaller ones to avoid overwhelming your mind. For example, you can choose to read a concept in a specific subject within three days and then proceed to other concepts.
You can adapt the self-paced learning style to maximize your study time. It will also help you optimize the one-on-one learning time with your educator in case studying online or in-person.
2. Use Videos for Learning
Whether it’s traditional learning or online education, each learning style has its own pros and cons. Generally, the basic learning style requires a teacher to explain concepts to students whether in a physical classroom or in an online setting. Either way, the basic learning approaches usually become boring over time.
They may also prove ineffective for students as they must cover a lot within a specified period of time in order to perform well in their exams. In this case, try to use videos or PowerPoint presentations. Leveraging study videos can help a student grasp concepts dimensionally as they are associated with a higher engagement level. A student can easily stay focused and determined to study more while understanding the concepts effectively.
3. Leverage the Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique has gained immense popularity in the modern century. It is generally a time management technique used by individuals across sectors. The technique requires an individual to schedule tasks into different 25-minute intervals with a 5-minutes break in between the tasks. The 25-minute sessions are termed Pomodoros.
The Pomodoro technique also requires an individual to take a longer break of at least 20 minutes after every four Pomodoros. This can enhance concentration and prevent mental exhaustion, especially for those with multiple tasks. All you have to do is to create a to-do list and a timer. Set the timer for 25 minutes and ensure to switch to the next task whenever the timer goes off.
Currently, there is a range of Pomodoro timers and online tools to ensure optimal productivity during study hours. These include Promofocus, Pomodoro Timer Lite, and Focus Keeper to keep you focused. The technique can also prevent cognitive boredom and stress that manifests during exams.
4. Maintain a Good Sleep Cycle
Work without play makes Jack a dull boy, but studying without proper rest can lead to mental exhaustion and burnout. Many students deny themselves quality sleep whereas others experience sleep disorders with the fact that they handle part-time work with tight schedules.
An extended period without quality sleep can affect the mind and the body. Generally, it affects a student’s concentration, and mood and also causes memory loss. The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep can also affect a student’s overall health. It generally weakens the immune system and increases the likelihood of accidents and poor balance among others.
Sleep quality, disorders, and effects differ greatly in students with medical or nursing students among the most susceptible. Sleep disorders may also increase in all students during the examination period due to the stress and pressure stirred.
Whichever case, try to maintain a proper sleep cycle throughout school or college life. Proper sleep of at least 7 hours a night can help you learn more and digest the material effectively. It also reduces stress chances during the examination period.
5. Try Group Study
Studying in groups is fun and it increases engagement and interaction. More so, it provides encouragement and brings back the interest in learning. Study groups are generally an interactive learning approach like many educational apps. When students come together to study, they bring different ideas and it helps others understand intricate concepts quickly.
Group discussions also eliminate the boredom that some students feel when studying alone. They also help students compare study materials and learn new study skills. Trying out group study during examinations can help students reduce stress and examination anxiety.
6. Learn What Works for You
Students’ learning capabilities differ greatly and learning efficiency only occurs when individual learning strengths and weaknesses are discovered. With that, identify what works best for you during the examination period to stay motivated. Stay motivated during college entrance exams by focusing on your long-term goals and remembering why you’re taking these tests. Some students learn better in a group, others while alone, and others under pressure. Follow what works for you during the exam season to stay focused and motivated.
Final Thought
The need to stay motivated and focused during the examination period is crucial. However, most of our efforts before the examination season influence our experiences during the exam time and the outcomes. With that, it’s best for a student to avoid procrastination, set SMART Goals, and plan how to achieve them right from the beginning of the semester. Draw out a plan on how you will handle classroom and outside responsibilities to avoid stress and mental fatigue that occur during busy periods. Also, try out different methods of learning in order to stay motivated.